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Facts related modules

Facts Doughnut Chart Carousel Module

The module displays facts in a carousel mode, with content editors able to choose the Percentage, Chart Color, and the Percentage of Each Statistic.

Doughnut carousel module

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Facts Carousel Module

The module is a facts carousel, where each fact displays an image or Font Awesome icon in a vertical order: Image, Number, and Text. Content editors can choose the Background Color and Text Color.

Mining Indaba 2024 delivered...

Facts Full Width Module

The module displays one fact per row, with a maximum of two facts allowed.

Facts Module

The module displays facts with an image or Font Awesome icons, along with the fact number and text.

Facts PT Module

The module displays facts with an image, fact number, and text.

Facts Square Module

The module displays facts in square format, with the content arranged in vertical order: Image, Number, and Text.